1066 EZ Amsterdam
020 667 3221

Garmt Haakma
Brouwerij De 7 Deugden brews both light, smooth and accessible beers as well as intense, complex and tasty beers. Special and regular beers that you can always enjoy!
The delicious beer from Brouwerij De 7 Deugden is brewed by people for whom a job elsewhere is not a given at that moment. Extremely talented people who have found a regular job at the brewery. Through this hiring action, the brewery wants to be an example and source of inspiration for other companies.
At Brouwerij De 7 Deugden they believe that everyone is special. The beer lovers contribute to giving as many people as possible a chance at a regular job, allowing them to gain self-confidence and participate in our society again. Very special for some, very normal for Brouwerij De 7 Deugden.
'Simply special!'