Join the Pipe

Distributing drinking water worldwide

Danzigerbocht 45f
+31 20 794 2294
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Geraldo Vallen: oprichter Join the Pipe

Geraldo Vallen


Join the Pipe is the first social network of tap water drinkers, aiming to provide everyone worldwide with clean and safe drinking water. They achieve this by laying water pipes, installing taps and selling reusable water bottles. With this they want to put an end to pollution by pre-packaged spring water, so that everyone can enjoy sustainable tap water.

About the Founder
Join the Pipe was founded in 2005 by Geraldo Vallen, who was inspired by his work in advertising and his frustration with the “plastic soup” in the oceans. With Join the Pipe he combines the fight against plastic pollution with the mission to give children access to clean water. His vision is to tackle the source of the plastic problem in the long term.

Production Process
The organization sells reusable water bottles and taps, which finance clean drinking water projects in developing countries. Through their “Buy One, Give One” initiative, a child in Africa receives a water bottle for every bottle sold. These bottles are easy to clean and are a sustainable alternative to disposable bottles and bags, which often end up in nature.

Join the Pipe works to raise awareness in Africa, where plastic waste is often a major problem. By promoting tap water and reusable bottles, they want to prevent plastic from ending up in the environment. They also create opportunities for locals by allowing them to buy bottles at a small price and resell them, providing them with an additional source of income.

'Every bottle and every tap is part of the longest water pipe in the world.'
Geraldo Vallen: oprichter Join the Pipe

Geraldo Vallen
