Wild van Wild

On the hunt for the best meat

Metropoolregio Amsterdam
06 52 189 595 info@wildvanwild.nl
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Wild van Wild



Wild van Wild



Wild van Wild offers a range of game products that are sustainably and traditionally made. The Evenhuis brothers, with years of experience in the catering industry, have transformed their vision of responsible meat into a successful company known for its 100% game products.

About the Makers
Franco and Benno Evenhuis, born and raised in Amsterdam, obtained their hunting license after years in the catering industry to be responsible for their own meat. Driven by a passion for game and the desire to do more with game in the catering industry, they founded Wild van Wild. Their goal was to create a range that meets contemporary meat needs and trends.

Production Process
The production process at Wild van Wild starts with hunting in the Netherlands and Germany. The brothers process the meat traditionally and do not use mechanical techniques. They replace traditional pork fat with wild boar fat to improve the taste and structure, ensuring an authentic and high-quality product.

Wild van Wild focuses on sustainability by using game that is completely CO2 neutral. The meat comes partly from their own hunting fields and the rest from carefully selected hunting areas. The brothers have invested in replacing pork fat with wild boar fat, which contributes to a more sustainable product. By making game more accessible and keeping the price low, they aim to make the catering industry more sustainable and allow consumers to make more conscious choices.

Wild van Wild



Wild van Wild

