Breugem Bier

Bonding Beer

Breugem bier
Nieuwe Hemweg
088 130 88 90
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Patrick Breugem


Breugem Bier is a craft beer brewery and tasting room based in Amsterdam. The brewery has built a strong reputation for producing quality beers with a unique taste.

About the Maker
Breugem is not a made-up name with a Belgian sound, but simply the name of the man behind the beer. The Breugem story started in 2009 with master brewer Patrick Breugem. Brewing since 2004 at De Prael, De Molen, Het Veulen & De Zeven Deugden, among others. The basis of the brand comes from Patrick’s positive attitude to life. Years ago, Patrick had a serious accident and was in a coma for several weeks. But he fought back and started doing what really made him happy: brewing beer.

The Production Process & Sustainability
Breugem Bier has a sustainable approach to the brewing process. All beers are made in the own brewery. The company uses local ingredients where possible and tries to keep waste to a minimum. The company also works with other sustainable companies to reduce its impact on the environment.

'A positive, open attitude makes life a lot more fun!'

Patrick Breugem
