
Farm dairy

Nieuwe Gouw 51
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Dikhoeve is a farm just outside Amsterdam, surrounded by the meadows of Waterland, where delicious soft cow’s and sheep’s milk cheeses are made. Everything from milking to cheese making is done on the farm with a lot of love for the profession, nature and the animals.

About the Makers
Farmers Willem and Alexander Kuiper form the heart of Dikhoeve. With their creativity and entrepreneurship they take care of the land and the animals, ensuring high-quality milk is available every day. Cheese makers Willem and Laura have mastered the art of cheese making and affinage, the ripening of the cheese, down to the finest details. They know exactly when the cheese is at its best, which is essential for the unique taste of the cheeses.

schapen boerderij dikhoeve

Production Process
The cheeses are made from full-fat, creamy cow’s and sheep’s milk in a traditional way, by hand. The Frisian-Zeeland dairy sheep graze on fresh grass in the spring and receive a special diet of ensiled grass, concentrates and spent grain from Brouwerij ‘t IJ in the winter. The cows, from the rare Witrik breed, graze on the meadows as much as possible, which contributes to the healthy composition of the milk. All this results in cheeses that are both creamy and full of flavor.

Dikhoeve attaches great importance to the nutrition and well-being of the animals, which contributes to the unique taste of their cheeses. The sheep are fed organic feed and the cows graze on pastures that are managed in a sustainable way. The milk is rich in fat and proteins, which contributes to the quality of the cheeses. The use of local ingredients and a traditional preparation method underline the sustainability of the products.



