Esther Molenwijk
Dutch Harvest produces delicious hemp tea from Dutch soil, made from the sustainable crop hemp. The company offers four varieties of tea, including Simply Hemp, Hemp Chai, Hemp & Herbs, and Hemp & Turmeric, all of which contain at least sixty percent hemp. Hemp tea has a taste similar to green tea, but milder and sweeter.
About the Maker
Founder Esther Molenwijk started Dutch Harvest after she came into contact with fiber hemp as a sustainability advisor. She discovered the potential of hemp not only as a sustainable building material, but also as an ingredient for tea. After a successful crowdfunding campaign, she started the production of hemp tea with the mission to put this versatile crop on the map.
Production Process
Dutch Harvest’s production process is completely sustainable and local. The leaves are harvested by a hemp farmer based in Groningen; Albert Dun, and then dried and sieved by Esther herself. The tea is packaged in a sheltered workshop, where people at a distance from the labor market pack the products with care.
Dutch Harvest is committed to sustainability in all aspects of production. The packaging is biodegradable and made of paper based on agricultural waste with a plastic inner layer of cellulose. This makes the products not only tasty and healthy, but also friendly to the environment.
The tea is available throughout the Netherlands. In Amsterdam you can be assured to find them in all Ekoplaza stores and various other beautiful stores such as the Amsterdam Maker Store. See the map with the sales points here.