Kaarsen van Torens

A souvenir that spreads light

Kaarsen van Torens
P.C. Staalweg
0653420901 info@kaarsenvantorens.nl
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Manon Snel & Mandy Snel


Manon and Mandy Snel, twin sisters, have been doing business together since 2016. Candlemaking Snel derived from their uncle’s company; Ruud Snel. Since 1969 he has been a candle maker in Utrecht. In 1982 he made the original Dom candle for the 600th anniversary of Utrecht’s most important monument. Ruud wanted to ‘spread light’ with his candles. After his death, the sisters decided to continue his candle making business. It was their wish to at least keep the original Domkaars for Utrecht. The Brandaris candle from Terschelling, the Martinitoren candle from Groningen, the candle from the Ridderzaal in The Hague, the Amsterdam Westertoren candle and the iconic Amsterdammertje have now been added.

The Production Process & Sustainability
All candles are hand poured into silicone moulds. The casting mix is ​​prepared in the melting kettle with the desired dye. Over time, shrinkage occurs and the candle is refilled. After complete hardening, the candles are released and melted straight on the melting plate. The candles are then individually packaged in a gift box.

Manon and Mandy strive for a good balance between the environment, people and economy and think carefully about sustainable processes within their work. They work together with local partners and suppliers and make conscious sustainable choices in raw materials, means of production, packaging and transport.

Since 2017, part of the candle production has been done by the WIJ3.0 Foundation, an all-round organization for activation and reintegration. The makers build the molds, cast the molds, unload the molds, melt the candles and pack the candles in a beautiful box. The entire process is carried out with utmost precision. The candle makers are critical of their work and know that the candles will then be given a beautiful destination.

Manon Snel & Mandy Snel
