Lemon Poppy TEA

Wild herbal teas

Doctor Jan van Breemenstraat 1
06 577 330 15 hello@lemonpoppytea.com
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Edvina Erebara


Lemon Poppy TEA stands for a natural, conscious lifestyle. There are many different types of tea, but almost no teas that are available in natural form. Lemon Poppy TEA shortens the chain from farmer to kitchen table, thus offering beautiful, pure, unprocessed wild tea herbs.

About the Maker
Founder Edvina Erebara wants to introduce the world to high quality, wild herbal tea from the Mediterranean mountains. From an early age, Edvina has been fascinated by the flora and fauna that grow from the mountains of her home country Albania. A popular tea among the Albanian people is Mountain Tea or Çaj Mali. It has been drunk for decades because of its pure flavors and healthy properties.

Production Process & Sustainability
Since Çaj Mali grows from an altitude of 1500 meters near the Mediterranean coast, it is quite difficult to reach. The local farmers from the area help Edvina with picking the plant. They also keep an eye on when the tea can be picked and whether flowers have already emerged. “It is important that the plant is picked with respect. So not root and all out, but just above that. It is also important that it is picked before sunrise because direct light is not good for the tea plants if they are no longer attached to the ground.”

When cutting and processing the tea, they keep the smaller material separate, so that nothing is lost – ‘lovely leftovers’. “We use everything we have at our disposal. We do this with love for the planet, as sustainably as possible.”

'Eco-friendly, organic herbal teas that will warm your heart, body and soul'

Edvina Erebara
