1021 KD Amsterdam
020 8200 804

Tiemen Ter Hoeven
Roetz makes sustainable and stylish bicycles – both regular and electric bicycles – that are given a second life through the use of recycled materials. With their circular approach and focus on quality, Roetz supplies bicycles that can be fully customized through their online configurator.
About the Maker
Tiemen Ter Hoeven, founder of Roetz, was inspired by his previous work experience in a circular sector. He saw opportunities to also apply reuse in the bicycle industry. In the Netherlands, a million orphaned bicycles are abandoned every year and Tiemen decided to save the usable parts of these bicycles, such as frames and front forks, from the scrap heap and process them into new bicycles.
Production Process
Roetz converts discarded bicycles into high-quality, recycled bicycles by reusing intact frames and parts. This circular production process, which has been further perfected since its founding in 2011, ensures that every product is sustainable and tailor-made. In the Roetz Fair Factory, the bicycles are assembled by people who are at a distance from the labor market, who during this process undergo training as bicycle makers.
Sustainability is central to Roetz. By giving discarded bicycle parts a new life, they contribute to a circular economy and reduce waste. In addition, Roetz offers people with limited access to the labor market an opportunity to develop, making their products not only environmentally friendly, but also have a positive social impact. Roetz’s mission is powerfully summarized in their slogan: “Join our ride to a better world!”