Kimberley Bron
The Cosmic Club makes adaptogenic chocolate bars. Adaptogens are herbs and other substances that help to restore the (hormone) balance in the body and with that strengthen physical and mental resilience.
About the Creator
After many years of catering experience, it was time for Kimberley Bron to convert her passion for well-being into something tangible. “After being diagnosed with PCOS, I was determined to solve this naturally. When I learned about adaptogens, there was light at the end of the tunnel. During the lockdown I decided to melt chocolate to make it easier to get my superfoods. And then, The Cosmic Club was born!”
Production Process & Sustainability
The adaptogens that The Cosmic Club uses are organic and come from China, India and Peru. The powders are taken to the Amsterdam chocolatier Urban Cacao, where the team makes the bars according to The Cosmic Club’s recipe. Urban Cacao provides the other ingredients. “We at The Cosmic Club chose to work with Urban Cacao because this is a local company where they work as sustainably as possible. In this way they give underprivileged young people a chance. However, the decisive factor was their supply of raw materials. The chocolate we use falls under the ‘cacao horizons’ label and the adaptogens are purchased by us from a company that is organically certified.”
The Cosmic Club believes in healing using 'nature's goods'