Why nut?

Maasstraat 90
06 422 316 85
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Maxine met haar VANMAX pindakaas

Maxine Mantel


VANMAX is an Amsterdam peanut butter brand. The peanut butters are developed and made traditionally in our own peanut butter factory, in the middle of the city.

About the Maker
The idea for VANMAX originated with Maxine Mantel, at home in the kitchen. She thinks good food and being in the kitchen, combined with entrepreneurship, are the best things there are. After experimenting and presenting at markets, Maxine decided to market her peanut butter under VANMAX. Making real food available and with that bringing back craft and consciousness. It is not about ‘how much’ or ‘how expensive’, but about quality and enjoyment.

The Production Process & Sustainability
The peanut butter is made traditionally. The peanuts and nuts arrive raw and are then roasted in the oven (not in oil). The peanuts and nuts are then ground into paste. Some peanut oil and coconut oil, salt and sometimes chili pepper are added. No e-numbers, no sugars, no palm fats or soya oil. This is better for our health and much tastier. The pots are then filled by hand, packed and delivered to the stores by bicycle.

'Really tasty peanut butter. Without palm fat, with lots of peanuts and nuts!'
Maxine met haar VANMAX pindakaas

Maxine Mantel
